Monday, 19 October 2009

Key features of eportfolio systems

Core activity 3.1 involved the comparison by each student of two (or more) eportfolio systems on about six of the features which they considered to be key. By aggregating the features selected by each student we can see which features (in our opinions at least) really are key.

Wordle gives a lovely visual representation of this.
Wordle: H808 Core activity 3.1 - key features of an eportfolio system

This post also demonstrates how a multimedia item may be used as an item of evidence of thinking (and technical skills) for an eportfolio (core activity 4.1).

1 comment:

  1. This post also demonstrates how a multimedia item may be used as an item of evidence of thinking (and technical skills) for an eportfolio. This is very helpful to those students who would want to use Core activity 3.1 in the future. There are lots of elearning tools that students can download to enhance their set of skills.
