E-tivity 1 (related to Stage 1- Access & Motivation)
- Purpose - to be able to access the VLE Asynchronous Discussion tool
- Task - to post an initial message introducing yourself to others
- Interaction - the e-tutor checks that students can access and provide feedback for motivation.
- E-tivity 2 (related to Stage 2 - Online Socialisation)
- Purpose - to introduce yourself to others in your group
- Task - to post a message introducing a topic of the student's choice via the Conference Room tool
- Interaction - contributions from others in the group within a 'threaded' discussion. Participation and summary by e-tutor.
- E-tivity 3 (related to Stage 4 - Knowledge Construction)
- Purpose - to analyse your preferred methods of learning and to consider alternative processes or models
- Task - to post thoughts on a particular piece of reading on learning methods
- Interaction - others members of the group provide their own interpretations and thoughts. E-tutor moderate and summarise.
A nice little widget (or a text download equivalent) offering several examples of e-tivities at each of Salmon's 5 stages of the e-moderation framework.
An example of using email-based games as e-tivities.
Links to examples of e-tivities from language education
Resources relating to e-tivities:
- A set of Salmon's slides from a 2001 workshop "Developing your e-moderating skills"
- Dr Gilly Salmon's Successful E-tivities Handout & Reminders
- Example e-tivities, advice for e-moderators, principles of online communication and guidance on preparing e-tivities:
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